
What the Anointing is Not

Duke Ellington, the late jazz musician, composer and renowned band leader, was once asked to provide a definition of rhythm. “If you got it,” he replied, “you don’t need no definition. And if you don’t have it, ain’t no definition gonna help.” I think that same statement could apply to the anointing as well!… read more

Harshness in the Pulpit?

Here is a question for every minister to consider: How does a minister operate in boldness and authority without being harsh or abusive? How does a pastor balance being a strong leader and still walking in love toward the flock?… read more

Lessons from an Epic Failure

He had the right idea, but he had the wrong timing and the wrong method.” I made this statement about Moses during a course I taught on Ministerial Excellence beginning in 1983. … read more

Donald Gee on Prophets, Ministry Gifts, etc.

One of the Bible teachers that Brother Hagin referenced frequently when he was teaching along the lines of spiritual and ministry gifts was the British minister, Donald Gee (1891-1966). Known for depth, simplicity, and balance, Gee was an important voice for the Pentecostal movement in the Twentieth Century, and what he taught then is still powerful and relevant today. Re-reading his books recently has been tremendously encouraging to me, and I thought you would enjoy some of the following rich quotes. … read more

Should We Preach Something We Have Not Experienced?

This is such a great question. Initially, I was inclined to say that we should preach on things we have experienced, and that is a good approach much of the time. We don’t want to be overly theoretical or ethereal—always preaching things that seem out of reach for the common person. … read more

Let’s Not Be a Stumbling Block

Years ago, I received a call from a nurse at a local public elementary school. She was asking if I could help with a situation. When asked for the name of the family physician, the parents of a new student had written “Doctor Jesus” on the form… … read more

Improving our Communication Skills

As ministers, a constant focus should be to make sure that what we are sharing is genuinely connecting with our listeners. This is more than simply asking, “Is my doctrine solid?” and “Are my points good?” Those have to do with us, but much of effective communication has to do with our hearers, and this brings us to two vital issues: (1) Do we really know our audience? and (2) Are we really connecting with them? … read more

Balanced Pastoral Authority by Edwin Anderson

The Holy Spirit appoints pastors to the local church to oversee its operation, and He gives the vision for the church to them. It is then the pastor’s responsibility before God to steer the church in that direction. He has the God-given authority to govern it. The pastor is to maintain control over every ministry of the local church. … read more

Unique and Innovative Ministries

As a pastor, what is the most unique and innovative ministry that you have seen? Maybe it’s a ministry that your church does that is unique to you, or maybe it’s something that you’ve heard of someone doing that is totally “out of the box.” I’d love to hear creative ways that people communicate the love of God and meet the needs of others.

Ablaze With God’s Word—The Fiery Effect of God’s Word in the Heart by Rick Renner

If you want to keep your spiritual life fiery hot for the rest of your life on earth, you need to maintain a consistent intake of the Word of God. It’s the first key to keeping your heart ablaze for Jesus because it is foundational to all the other types of fuel you need to add to the fire in your heart: prayer, the Holy Spirit, worship, a passion for souls, generosity, holiness, humility, regard for authority, and the fear of the Lord. … read more

Forty Years Ago: Back to Where We Started

As Lisa and I prepare to head back to Australia next month, we do so with some really great memories. When we finished our first year of Bible school in the spring of 1980, our very first venture in ministry was to Australia. It was quite an initiation into faith and ministry for us at that age (we were 21 and 22 years old at the time)! … read more

Handling the Swings

As a pastor, you encounter people’s highest highs and lowest lows. We know Paul said to rejoice with those that rejoice, and to weep with those that weep (Rom 12:15), but how do you personally manage ministering to people individually during such times? Also, do you have any thoughts on directing your pulpit ministry when you know that some people in your congregation are celebrating great victories, and at the same time, others are going through great challenges?

What Would Jesus Say Today?

In Revelation 2-3, Jesus spoke to seven local congregations. To six of them, he gave commendations, telling them what they were doing well. To five of them, he gave words of correction—encouraging them to make needed adjustments. If Jesus were to address your congregation, or the church-at-large in your area, what aspects of the church do you think he would commend, and what area(s) do you think he would say needed to be changed?

Invitations/Altar Calls

I would like to know what other pastors do relative to inviting people to accept Jesus, etc., at the conclusion of their church services. What content is important to communicate? What tips and suggestions can pastors offer that will help me be more effective? What “mechanics” do pastors utilize in terms of guiding people through their response to invitation (praying in their seats, coming forward, etc.)? What can be done to promote follow-up discipleship and assimilation into the church? … read more


What trait in your own life has been the greatest challenge to you in your ministry? How did you recognize it, and what did you do to overcome it or compensate for it so that it did not adversely affect your church and ministry (or minimized the effect)?

Bouncing Back

I’d love to learn what other pastors have done in recovering from a misstep? Would you share (1) a mistake you made in pastoring, and (2) what you did to recover from that mistake?

Another Look at “The Calling”

We are called! Whether we have been called to be a preacher and stand behind a pulpit, or something else entirely, many Scriptures indicate the calling of every believer to be salt, to be light, to be ambassadors, to be witnesses, to serve, and to be a blessing. I don’t say this relative to being a “paid” minister, but every Christian has full-time calling! A Christian should never use “I’m not called” as an excuse to avoid accepting responsibilities that are consistent with the calling of every believer. … read more

Take Your Seat in the Ship by Rick Renner

Some people tend to sit and watch as achievers reach out to do the impossible. But if you are going to join the ranks of those achievers, you’ll have to do more than just sit around and talk about it. You’ll need to say yes to what the Lord is urging you to do. You cannot accomplish what God has called you to do all alone! Look around you! Look at the people God has placed around you to help you fulfill your dream. Don’t ignore them, thinking you can do it alone. … read more

Identify Your Harvest Field by Terry Roberts

Dr. Howard Foltz was my missions professor at Regent University. I had several required classes in missions with him, and he, along with others changed my perspective of reaching out to the unreached. He and others helped us strategically engage the area of the Ends of the Earth. As of this writing, our local church has been actively engaged in sponsoring and helping to train leaders in over 800 new church plants among … read more

When People Don’t Get It

Years ago, I asked a number of pastors about the most fulfilling aspect of their work. While responses varied slightly, the majority of pastors said that they are most gratified and pleased when they see peoples’ lives changed through receiving and acting upon the Word of God. Conversely, when asked about the most frustrating aspect of ministry, the same group typically responded that it is when people “don’t get it” and are not changed. …read more

An Unlikely “Thank You” by Andy White

“I have depended on you my entire life, yet I have never seen you with my own eyes. You have served me faithfully and yet we have never spoken. You have helped me every day to reach out and touch the world but I have never thanked you. …read more

The Laws of Increase by Gerald Brooks

God’s plan is to bring multiplication and increase into our life. Each of the seven Laws of Increase defines a different aspect of increase according to God’s definition, challenging our existing definitions, presumptions, and motivations to pursue increase. … read more

Why Should Christians Study Apologetics? by Pastor Jay Stillinger

As we look at the world around us, there is little doubt that our culture has changed dramatically in the last several years. When I first attended Bible school back in 1979, the training I received was fine for that day but there was no way of knowing what significant changes would take place in our world in the more than thirty years following. …read more

Evaluating the Risk Factor by Marvin Yoder

Risks are necessary, but they are not to be done without caution or wisdom. Taking risks does not mean we blindly leap from the cliff, and hope there is a safety net somewhere. We must value what former US General George Patton observed, “Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.Read this article by Marvin Yoder