
10 Reasons Every Believer Needs the Local Church by John R. Carter

A purpose is a reason for being. Everything God does has a purpose. Everything God has made has a reason for existing. There are specific purposes Jesus intended for His church to accomplish. Knowing those purposes is important for every believer. The law of purpose states that unless you know the purpose of a thing, you will be likely to either neglect, misuse, or abuse it. The reason some Christians neglect the local church is because they really don’t understand its purpose in their lives. … read more

Band of Brothers: Why Accountability Matters Pastor Monte Knudsen

When Tony first asked us to write a few things about the friendship/accountability Mike, Dan and myself have enjoyed over three decades, it really made me think about the difference this relationship has made in my life. John Ruskin once wrote, “When a man is wrapped up in himself, he makes a pretty small package.” … read more

Band of Brothers: Why Accountability Matters

Note from Tony: I’ve known these three men for many years, and I’ve known of their close friendship which has brought much strength and support into each of their lives. I asked Pastor Mike if he would write an overview about the whole issue of “accountability,” and then asked each of them if they’d write about what this group means to each of them personally. … read more

Band of Brothers: Why Accountability Matters By Pastor Mike Kalstrup

Like many of you, when my wife and I began preparations for ministry in Bible school, we had no idea of the challenges and pitfalls that awaited us in our attempt to fulfill the call upon our lives. The value and importance of close relationships with other ministers really wasn’t a matter of concern or ‘recognized need’ as we sought to have meaningful and fruitful ministry in the world Jesus was sending us to. We soon found out how important those relationships were about to be. … read more

Band of Brothers: Why Accountability Matters Pastor Dan Berry

The spiritual principle of authority is God’s plan to protect our lives…everyone needs to be accountable to someone. The human element tends to isolate us, cause us to hide our issues, our attitudes, let alone our sins. Everyone needs someone in their lives, someone close to them that has the freedom to ask us about what’s going on behind the scene of our life. … read more

Accountability and the Minister by Bob Yandian

As ministers across the country fall into moral sins and have to step down from their pulpits by personal decision or board mandates, the cry of many seems to be, “where was the accountability?”Organizations are set up for accountability and many join. Yet, the problems still persist. Where do we as ministers go for accountability? … read more

Moral Accountability

We recently became aware that one of our staff members was using a ministry computer to visit pornographic web-sites. What type of accountability systems do other churches and ministries have to help keep their staff members on “the straight and narrow?” What type of guidelines and education do churches provide to help staff members avoid inappropriate moral and sexual behavior, and finally, how do churches deal with it when a staff member or leader has behaved inappropriately in moral and sexual matters (not just on the internet, but also by inappropriate conduct with other individuals)?