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What About That “Hard-to-Understand” Scripture?

In this article, I’m going to address “hard-to-understand” verses in the Bible. Maybe you’re not aware of any, and you believe you have perfect clarity and understanding regarding every spiritual matter. If that’s you, you probably won’t benefit from this article. But for everyone else — those who sometimes scratch their heads because they don’t fully understand something they read in the Bible — I think this article will be beneficial. .… read more

The Snare of Success

Abraham Lincoln once remarked, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” He had probably seen people who were motivated positively by challenges and setbacks, and others who were corrupted by success. Don’t get me wrong. .… read more

God’s Amazing Plan for Non-Preachers

When a person is called to preach, the urgency of that call (especially in the early years) can be all-consuming and all-important. If a person lacks maturity and perspective, the call to preach can seem so important that all other aspects of life seem to pale by comparison. Hopefully the young preacher will grasp the idea that other issues are vital as well — such areas as character development, building healthy relationships, and giving proper attention to the practical areas of life.… read more

A Question of Authority

Something believers need to strongly consider these days is the issue of authority, and more specifically, God’s authority. A fundamental question every human being must answer has to do with whether or not they will submit their lives to God’s rule and reign.… read more

Living in the Right Time Zone

When people travel, even domestically, they’ve got to be aware of the time zone they are in. If you travel from New York to California, you will experience a three-hour time difference. If a person hasn’t adjusted, they might be hungry for lunch when it’s really time for breakfast.… read more

Remarkable Findings at Yale

Some of the highlights included seeing a copy of an original Gutenberg Bible (printed around 1454), one of 21 known to survive. An archivist also showed me a hand-written copy of a letter from Jonathan Edwards to his mother. Edwards enrolled at Yale when he was 13 years old and became a leading figure in  America’s great awakening. I also saw a handwritten letter from George Washington in which he thanked Timothy Dwight (see below) who later served as Yale’s President. … read more

Common Sense is Good!

Over the years, much wonderful teaching has been shared on how God leads us by his Word and Spirit, and I am most thankful for it. In this article, I want to address another way that we are enabled to make decisions and take action: common sense. … read more

Resurrection Life Now!

What gloriously distinguishes the gospel of Jesus Christ from other faiths and belief systems is the literal, physical resurrection of Christ himself. There are two great resurrections taught in the Bible, one in the past (Jesus’ resurrection) and one in the future … read more

A New Thought on Paul’s Tenacity

“No one was sorry when he died.” I’ve often thought of Paul’s grace-empowered ministry… how he found strength from God in spite of the intense challenges and adversities he faced. He said, “I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong”… read more

Moses’ Five Excuses

Moses is an amazing case study of an individual who was called by God, and his initial reactions provide lessons from which we can all learn. His initial response to God was not, “Here am I, send me.” Instead he offered five revealing excuses — he apparently felt he had to convince God how unworthy he was.… read more

Getting Over Yourself

D. L. Moody once quipped, “I have had more trouble with myself than with any other man I have ever met.” Probably many of us share that sentiment. As much as we may tend to point fingers of frustration toward other people and at outside circumstances, the reality is that we, our very selves, are the main challenge that can trip us up in life.… read more