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Did God Send the Earthquake in Turkey?

Once again, the planet is reeling from another tragedy. In an instant, untold thousands of souls were swept into eternity. For those living in the midst of this calamity, it no doubt seems apocalyptic in scope. In addition to the loss of life, the material and economic destruction people have experienced is staggering..… read more

Nunca Foi Fácil

Moody sabia do que estava falando. Em 8 de outubro de 1871, enquanto ele estava pregando naquele domingo, o Grande Incêndio de Chicago teve início. Além de sua igreja e sua casa terem sido consumidas pelo fogo, 100.000 pessoas ficaram sem abrigo, e aproximadamente 17.000 estruturas foram destruídas. Estima-se que 300 pessoas morreram. … read more

It Was Never Easy

Moody knew what he was talking about. While Moody was preaching on Sunday evening, October 8, 1871, the Great Chicago Fire began. In addition to Moody’s church and home being consumed, 100,000 were left homeless and approximately 17,000 structures were destroyed. An estimated 300 people died.… read more

Why We Believe in the Trinity

In the fourth century, church leaders articulated their beliefs in a document known as the Nicene Creed. After writing of the Father and the Son, they state, “We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.”… read more

Devotional Thoughts from Tozer’s Life

In October of 2022, I was privileged to visit the grave of A. W. Tozer, one of the great evangelical voices of the twentieth century. I’ve been profoundly influenced by his writings and wanted to share a few thoughts about him in the following, brief video. Following the video, I’ve shared a number of quotes from his writings.… read more

Did Paul Miss It?

Did Paul Miss It? Rev. Tony Cooke I was recently asked this question while teaching on Paul’s ministry in the Book of Acts. It wasn’t the first time I’ve been asked this, and the question has typically been connected to the interaction that Paul had with certain disciples in Acts 21 while he was en […]

Leading on Empty

I’ve given away many copies of this book to various friends (all of them 20+ year ministry veterans) in recent times, and many said that the book struck a deep chord within them. Some recognized that they were already into various stages of burnout; others acknowledged that they were dangerously close to the brink. …read more

Faith and Medicine

It is unfortunate that some people have chosen to pit medicine against faith as though they were somehow adversarial. I believe these two forces should be seen as complementary, not as contradictory. After all, both your faith and the doctor are aiming at the same goal—your healing and wholeness. My persuasion is that medicine and faith can be integrated and complementary. They do not need to be adversarial toward or isolated from one another. … read more

Insights from the next guy. Pastoral Transition.

In Lamentations 5:19, Jeremiah writes, “Your throne continues from generation to generation.” It is important to understand that Jeremiah said that to God, not to any of us. Our physical presence in ministry has an “expiration date,” and every pastor should realize that he is, in a sense, an interim pastor. Someone will eventually succeed him.… read more