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What the Anointing is Not

Duke Ellington, the late jazz musician, composer and renowned band leader, was once asked to provide a definition of rhythm. “If you got it,” he replied, “you don’t need no definition. And if you don’t have it, ain’t no definition gonna help.” I think that same statement could apply to the anointing as well!… read more

Caçadores de Tempestades – Parte 1

Tendo vivido em Oklahoma por mais de três décadas, Lisa e eu passamos por muitas temporadas de tornados ativos. Além dos meteorologistas com seus sistemas de radar de alta tecnologia, algumas das pessoas que recebem atenção significativa durante a temporada de tornados são os caçadores de tempestades.… read more

Storm Chasers – Part 2

In ancient times, physicians who took the Hippocratic Oath pledged to “do no harm.” That’s a good commitment for physicians, and it’s also a good commitment for all who minister to people struggling and fighting their way through the storms of life. … read more

Storm Chasers – Part 1

Having lived in Oklahoma for more than three decades, Lisa and I have been through many active tornado seasons. In addition to the meteorologists with their high-tech radar systems, some of the people who receive significant attention during tornado season are the storm chasers. … read more

No Kenosis, No Christmas

As Christmas approaches, I have been enjoying Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, God in the Manger. Bonhoeffer was a leader in Germany’s Confessing Church, believers who stood in opposition to Hitler and his policies. He was eventually imprisoned and was executed mere weeks before the Allied troops overtook and defeated the Nazis to end WWII in Europe. … read more

Who Are “the Lapsed” and Why Do They Matter?

In the early centuries of the church, those who denied their faith in times of persecution were said to have “lapsed.” Those who persevered in their faith and refused to recant or to compromise were called “confessors.” In other words, they truly held fast the confession of their faith despite imprisonment and torture, sometimes unto death. … read more

Medicine and Miracles

This is Andrew’s story… his testimony about his journey through some serious mental health challenges and substance abuse issues. We hear a lot about “mental health” these days, and we are proud of our son for wanting to share his journey. Andrew is preparing to receive training in peer support to better help others struggling with some of life’s great challenges. … read more