
The Hidden Power Behind Worship by Philip Renner

Every worship leader will go through this at one time or another, but I have good news: If you continue to seek God and you are persistent, you will eventually come out of that condition and begin to sense His presence and anointing even stronger than before! …read more

There’s Power in Praise by Aimee Flanders

There’s power in praise. Some would probably call this a cliché, but I don’t know of a statement that holds more truth. I think sometimes we forget that praise is more than just a part of our church services. Amazing things happen when we praise. …read more

Worship from a Missionary Perspective by Joe Purcell

As missionaries for over 25 years, my wife and I have experienced many kinds of worship styles in a variety of circumstances and situations, from the underground church of China, to Eskimo and Chukchi villages in Arctic Russia, to churches in modern cities in various parts of the world. …read more

10 Reasons Every Believer Needs the Local Church by John R. Carter

A purpose is a reason for being. Everything God does has a purpose. Everything God has made has a reason for existing. There are specific purposes Jesus intended for His church to accomplish. Knowing those purposes is important for every believer. The law of purpose states that unless you know the purpose of a thing, you will be likely to either neglect, misuse, or abuse it. The reason some Christians neglect the local church is because they really don’t understand its purpose in their lives. … read more