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Men’s Ministry by Pastor Ron McKey

According to recent data, only 1 in 6 men attend weekend services. We are not connecting with them. In fact, most times when we do address men in our Churches, we are telling them what they are doing wrong or how they are neglecting their responsibilities. Who wants to be told on a regular basis that you are not doing a good job? … read more

Onde Descontos não se Aplicam de Tony Cooke

Acabamos de passar pelo natal – uma época do ano em que todos estão à procura de descontos. Talvez você tenha acordado super cedo na véspera de natal e tenha batalhado com a multidão ou talvez tenha vasculhado a internet, tentando pegar um ou mais presentes com um grande desconto. Todo mundo adora fazer um bom negócio quando se trata de comprar presentes, não é verdade? … read more

Unique and Innovative Ministries

As a pastor, what is the most unique and innovative ministry that you have seen? Maybe it’s a ministry that your church does that is unique to you, or maybe it’s something that you’ve heard of someone doing that is totally “out of the box.” I’d love to hear creative ways that people communicate the love of God and meet the needs of others.

Ablaze With God’s Word—The Fiery Effect of God’s Word in the Heart by Rick Renner

If you want to keep your spiritual life fiery hot for the rest of your life on earth, you need to maintain a consistent intake of the Word of God. It’s the first key to keeping your heart ablaze for Jesus because it is foundational to all the other types of fuel you need to add to the fire in your heart: prayer, the Holy Spirit, worship, a passion for souls, generosity, holiness, humility, regard for authority, and the fear of the Lord. … read more

Forty Years Ago: Back to Where We Started

As Lisa and I prepare to head back to Australia next month, we do so with some really great memories. When we finished our first year of Bible school in the spring of 1980, our very first venture in ministry was to Australia. It was quite an initiation into faith and ministry for us at that age (we were 21 and 22 years old at the time)! … read more

A Supernatural Life

There are many moral, ethical, and practical implications in what the Bible teaches, but at the core of God’s involvement in our lives is the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit. There are descriptions in the New Testament of how the Holy Spirit works in the life of a believer—a work that actually starts before we even come into faith. … read more


In 2 Corinthians 7:5-6, Paul talks about a time when he was troubled and discouraged, and yet he was comforted and encouraged by the coming of Titus. As a pastor, what types of things have brought you the most encouragement when you were facing a difficult time. Can you give a specific example or two?

Journey at the End of Life by Jodi Diehl

Unless we die an instantaneous death, it is a journey we will all be forced to face, with very little preparation, skills, resources or past experiences to guide us through. Honestly, when was the last time you searched your favorite bookstore for resources on how to die strong? Again, even those two words do not naturally fall together. … read more

Treasures—Old and New

I was attending a church service once, and during the worship time the congregation sang some of the newer worship choruses. This was followed by a seamless transition into one of the beautiful, old hymns of the church. It was a powerful and moving time of worship, and I appreciated the richness of both the new and the old—both were Christ-exalting, and God’s Presence was readily sensed in both. … read more

Handling the Swings

As a pastor, you encounter people’s highest highs and lowest lows. We know Paul said to rejoice with those that rejoice, and to weep with those that weep (Rom 12:15), but how do you personally manage ministering to people individually during such times? Also, do you have any thoughts on directing your pulpit ministry when you know that some people in your congregation are celebrating great victories, and at the same time, others are going through great challenges?

Encorajadoras lições de John Wesley

Até sua morte em 1791, aos 88 anos, Wesley havia viajado 250.000 milhas, ministrando a Palavra de Deus (maior parte a cavalo). Ele pregou 42.000 sermões e escreveu 250 livros e panfletos. Ao longo de sua vida e ministério, Wesley experimentou e testemunhou muitas manifestações do poder sobrenatural de Deus. … read more

Where Discounts Don’t Apply

We are at a time of the year when everyone is looking for discounts. Maybe you got up super early on black Friday and fought the crowds, or perhaps you scoured the internet on Cyber- Monday endeavoring to snag one or more gifts at a deep discount. Everybody loves getting a great deal on gifts, don’t they? But some things in life are so sacred that only paying full price is appropriate. God paid full price for us when Jesus died on the cross—truly the debt of our sin was paid in full. … read more

Pronto a deixar-Te?

A parte que vem chamando a minha atenção é a que diz: “Sinto que sou vacilante, pronto a deixar-te, meu Deus”. Vendo as coisas na perspectiva do nascido de novo, eu quero contestá-la. Tenho vontade de dizer, “Sou uma nova criatura em Cristo. Eu tenho a vida e a natureza de Deus dentro de mim. … read more

When God’s Plans Interrupt Your Plans

Have you ever had a preconceived idea of what you thought you were going to do, only to have God interject a different plan—his plan—into your agenda? How did you deal with that? Were you flexible, and did you willingly make the required adjustments? All of the great biblical heroes experienced and responded favorably to a divine interruption. God disrupted their regular routines in a huge way. … read more

Church Revitalization

It seems like our church has been in a slump recently… like we’re going through the motions and are seeing some decline. What have other pastors done when they felt it was necessary to revitalize their congregation.

Lições Tiradas de Reis Passados

Algum tempo atrás, eu estava lendo sobre os diversos reis que passaram pelo Antigo Testamento e me deparei com a seguinte descrição que me deixei espantou! En 2 Crônicas 21:20 (NTLH), Jeorão tinha trinta e dois anos de idade quando se tornou rei de Judá. Ele governou em Jerusalém oito anos. Quando morreu, ninguém sentiu falta dele; ele foi sepultado na Cidade de Davi, mas não nos túmulos dos reis.
Aqui também diz que ele “foi sepultado na Cidade de Davi, mas não nos túmulos dos reis”. … read more

What Would Jesus Say Today?

In Revelation 2-3, Jesus spoke to seven local congregations. To six of them, he gave commendations, telling them what they were doing well. To five of them, he gave words of correction—encouraging them to make needed adjustments. If Jesus were to address your congregation, or the church-at-large in your area, what aspects of the church do you think he would commend, and what area(s) do you think he would say needed to be changed?

Encouraging Lessons from John Wesley

When he died in 1791 at the age of 88, Wesley had traveled 250,000 miles ministering the Word of God (much of that on horseback). He had preached 42,000 sermons, and authored 250 books and pamphlets. Throughout his life and ministry, Wesley experienced and witnessed many expressions of the supernatural power of God. He recorded several healings … read more

How the Spirit Helps

Can you describe a couple of ways the Holy Spirit specifically helps you in your ministry? What difference does he make, and what do you do to make sure that you are partnering with him in ministry?

Prone to Wander?

The part that seemed to be getting my attention was the “Prone to wander” part. Looking at things from the perspective of the new creation, I want to dispute that. I want to say, “I am a new creation in Christ. I have the life and the nature of God on the inside of me. I do NOT want to wander away from any sense of closeness with the Lord.” I like that position and approach. At the same time, I have to recognize that even born-again people still have the flesh and the mind to deal with, and that can create a distracting pull on people. Some manage it better than others, but even great spiritual leaders like Paul said that he had to manage fleshly elements; he was not immune from the influence of the flesh. … read more

Spiritual Cupbearers and the Pulpit’s Task by Rick Renner

When you know that the Spirit of God is alive in your children, let them know that being led by the Holy Spirit is a normal, expected part of the life of every believer, including them! Depending on your own experience, you may have found yourself struggling over the years with the ability to hear from God. But resolve in your own mind that this really is the plan God has for His people, and don’t settle for anything less for your children. … read more

The Wisdom Challenge by Stephen Marshall

When you know that the Spirit of God is alive in your children, let them know that being led by the Holy Spirit is a normal, expected part of the life of every believer, including them! Depending on your own experience, you may have found yourself struggling over the years with the ability to hear from God. But resolve in your own mind that this really is the plan God has for His people, and don’t settle for anything less for your children. … read more

The Holy Spirit and Our Kids’ Behavior by Steve Olsen

When you know that the Spirit of God is alive in your children, let them know that being led by the Holy Spirit is a normal, expected part of the life of every believer, including them! Depending on your own experience, you may have found yourself struggling over the years with the ability to hear from God. But resolve in your own mind that this really is the plan God has for His people, and don’t settle for anything less for your children. … read more

Lessons from Dead Kings

When King Jehoram had reigned for eight years and died at the age of thirty-two, we learn that “no one was sorry when he died” (2 Chronicles 21:20). They didn’t even bury him in the royal cemetery. What is that all about? The Old Testament is far more than simple history; it contains powerful lessons and examples for us today. Paul states, “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.” It is vital that we study the lessons of the Old Testament and find the appropriate personal applications that God has placed there for our benefit. … read more