
Meet the Tater Family

Dick Tater is the self-appointed potentate who feels everything should be done his way. He never serves or works; he just bosses others. Emmy Tater is the member of the family who follows all the latest fads. She’s never really discovered her own identity because she’s always busy trying to be like someone else. … read more

Pastoral Search Report

We do not have a happy report to give. We’ve not been able to find a suitable candidate for this church, though we have one promising prospect still. We do appreciate all the suggestions from the church members, and we’ve followed up each one with interviews or calling at least three references. The following is our confidential report on the present candidates. … read more

10 Advantages of Doing Ministry Without a Ministry Plan by Tony Morgan

You give the loudest person the opportunity to decide what happens at your church. Sharp leaders who are accustomed to serving in organizations with clearly defined plans for future growth won’t stick around your church. That means more ministry for you! You’ll get to hone your debating skills as people argue about what to do next. … read more

Job Description for Church Staff

Senior Pastor is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, is more powerful than a locomotive, faster than a speeding bullet, can walk on water, and gives policies to God. … read more

The Ideal Pastor

The ideal pastor is difficult to find. But if your church is fortunate, you may be able to secure his services. Since he is the ideal pastor, it won’t cost very much – he lives by faith. Yet he can be counted upon to tithe heavily and still be able to afford a large house in which he will regularly entertain the entire congregation. He loves the older folks of the church, visiting them regularly. Besides this, he spends all of his time with the young people.… read more

I Am Your Pastor

When you rise to your highest and best, I am your Pastor. When you yield to temptation and fall to your lowest, I am your Pastor. When you live in the Spirit and manifest the attitude of a Christian, I am your Pastor. When for a time you sink to the level of the flesh, I am your Pastor. When you walk in the pathway of duty and do God’s will, I am your Pastor. … read more

Reasonable Compensation for Pastors and Ministers

Those in the pastoral ministry are not typically thought of as overpaid. Certainly in most cases they are not. Since the vast majority of churches in the U.S. are small, the overall compensation package for Protestant pastors is low when compared with teachers and social workers. However, the amount of a pastor’s salary is only one dimension of reasonable compensation; the manner in which they are paid is of just as much interest in evaluating compensation from a legal standpoint. … read more

The Doxology Experience by Jeff and Beth Jones

Easter 2012 at Valley Family Church was one of our most unique services. We had it in our hearts to do a throw-back type of Easter outreach service where we reintroduced many of the traditions people have grown up with in church—in a fresh and anointed way. Southwest Michigan is a very religious region, largely made up of those who grew up in the Roman Catholics, Dutch Reformed and Christian Reformed traditions. … read more

Doing Sundays Right by John R. LaBruzzo CHA

One of the first things they teach you in “Restaurants 101” is not how you serve a table properly….ladies and older people first, serve from the left, pick-up from the right….or how to make a Caesar Salad… what they do teach you is how to prioritize and organize your work! This is done in order to effectively handle the fast-paced world of restaurant food and beverage…where guest come and go…. often all at the same time…all of whom are hungry! … read more

The Cradle of Hope: Helping Women through Crisis Pregnancy by Peggy Knudsen

One of the outreaches for FCOC is a pregnancy resource Center. They were finding teenage pregnancy on the rise in their community with little or no help for the young mothers to make a sound decision for herself and the life of her unborn. Peggy has always had a passion for teenage pregnant moms, the unborn, and has a drive to make “Iowa the safest Place for the Unborn.” … read more

Small Town Ministry—Big Time Heart by Pastor Rob Wynne

I am convinced that Matthew must have been a “southerner.” All you have to do is read Matthew chapter 1 to prove he was concerned with genealogy. We southerners are acutely aware of “WHO ARE YOUR PEOPLE?” In small communities, which in our case involves our county, we must be clear on the genealogy factor. You must assume that everyone is related by birth, by marriage or that everyone just plain old knows each other by associations. … read more

Be An Example by Pastor Bill Anzevino

Being called to serve the people Jesus died for is a great privilege that carries with it tremendous responsibility. Knowing this, Paul in his letters to Timothy, provided instruction to guide him in fulfilling his ministry and living an exemplary life before God and man. A major point of emphasis was for Timothy to be an example of believers in six areas of concern. … read more

Accountability and the Minister by Bob Yandian

As ministers across the country fall into moral sins and have to step down from their pulpits by personal decision or board mandates, the cry of many seems to be, “where was the accountability?”Organizations are set up for accountability and many join. Yet, the problems still persist. Where do we as ministers go for accountability? … read more

25 Ways to Ride a Dead Horse

Many variations of “How to Ride a Dead Horse” have appeared, especially on the internet, and I don’t know who the original author is. We’ve rewritten and adapted this slightly for churches, but every organization (whether it’s business, government, educational institutions, etc.) can have a tendency to hold on to old forms long after their effectiveness has diminished or ceased entirely. … read more

Maintaining Your Passion in Ministry

One occupational hazard of ministry is that the work of God can become routine to us. Another sermon, another church member with a problem, another meeting, etc. All of it can accumulate, taking a toll on a pastor, and result in our simply going through the motions of ministry. …read more

Marriage & Ministry

It’s been difficult for me to balance ministry and marriage. Ministry seems to have so many demands that my marriage has suffered. Can seasoned pastors share some tips with me about what they’ve done to keep their marriages strong and vibrant in the midst of ministry responsibilities?

Advice to a Fledgling Minister

I’ve noticed that many people who begin in ministry do not stay in ministry long-term. If you had a young person from your church who had just finished Bible School and just accepted their first staff ministry position (at your church or somewhere else), what would be three things you would tell them that you think would help them continue in ministry for the long-haul?

Evolution of Ministry

How are you doing ministry different than you were ten years ago? How has your style and structure changed with time? How do you see your ministry changing in the next ten years? Do you have a succession plan in place, and if so, what is it?

A Different Time?

Is pastoring different today than it was ten, fifteen, or twenty years ago? It seems like it is, but I’m trying to define how it’s different. Is society different? Are church members different? Are the expectations and commitment levels of people different? Can you help me understand this? Read the responses.

Business Sense

As a pastor, I feel pretty good about most aspects of my responsibilities (spiritual, preaching, pastoral care, etc.), but I’m recognizing a deficiency in the business-side of ministry. I don’t have a business background, and I realize there’s a lot I need to know in those areas. I’d love to hear seasoned pastors share a few tips about the business lessons they’ve learned relative to their leadership in the church. Could you please share some “business sense” with me?

Etiquette for Pastors: How to Honor Guest Ministers in Your Church

When I think of ministry and the fivefold ministry gifts, the concept of honor immediately comes to mind. However, in our day and age, society seems to have lost the heart of honor. Sadly, even many of our churches have pushed honor to the wayside, treating ministers without reverence and respect. … read more