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Zebras, Ostriches, and Corporate Grace by Tony Cooke

Zebras, Ostriches, and Corporate Grace Tony Cooke When believers think of God’s grace, they often think in terms of how it affects them personally. God certainly has grace for each of us individually, and He desires that His grace fully impact every area of our personal lives. But God’s grace is not just for me; […]


DO YOU HAVE A “DISCIPLE” OR “CHURCH” MENTALITY? Rev. Tony Cooke We just recently conducted a “second generation” In Search of Timothy seminar. This seminar builds on the concepts presented in the book and in the original seminar. One of the principles we cover in this new seminar involves an observation a minister friend recently […]

Christocentric By Tony Cooke

Christocentric By Tony Cooke I like that term. It simply means that the Lord Jesus Christ is at the center. If Scripture teaches anything, it teaches that Jesus is supreme, pre-eminent, and central in all things. Colossians 1:16 and 19 in the Message version refers to Jesus and says that “…everything got started in him […]

Bones in the Body

BONES IN THE BODY By Rev. Tony Cooke Various Scriptures remind us that the Church is the Body of Christ in the earth.  For example, 1 Corinthians 12:27 says, “Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.”  Ephesians 5:30 tells us, “For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of […]

The Blood Still Speaks Skit

The Blood Still Speaks This is an illustrated sermon. It not only includes a message, but also involves a dramatization of a courtroom scene portraying the victorious redemption brought to the believer through the shed blood and broken body of the Lord Jesus Christ. Cast Pastor: _____________________ (wireless headset) Judge: _____________________ (mic at Judge’s table; […]

Birth and Growth by Tony Cooke

Birth and Growth Tony Cooke I recently saw what I thought was an interesting quote by the late Dallas Willard, and I posted it on Facebook. His statement was: "In many seeker-sensitive churches, the focus is on getting people to confess Christ as a basis for going to heaven when they die. I don’t want […]

How Precious is This Book? By Tony Cooke

How Precious is This Book? By Rev. Tony Cooke “So great is my veneration for the Bible that …the earlier my children begin to read it, the more confident will be my hopes that they will prove useful citizens of their country and respectable members of society.  I have for many years made it a […]

Benefits and Benefactors by Rev. Tony Cooke

Benefits and Benefactors Rev. Tony Cooke Everyone likes benefits! One of the great insights students of the Bible receive is that God offers benefits to His children. A prime example is found in Psalm 103. Psalm 103:2-5 2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: 3 Who forgives all your iniquities, […]

Beautiful Giving by Tony Cooke

Beautiful Giving by Tony Cooke During the Christmas season, much is said about giving, and rightly so. “For God so loved the world that He gave…” is perhaps the most profound and sublime statement in all of Scripture. Jesus gave totally and completely of Himself, and thank God that He did. We have life today—eternal […]

Beautiful Balance by Tony Cooke

Beautiful Balance Tony Cooke Do you remember trying to learn to ride your bicycle without training wheels? In a word, you were trying to achieve balance. You wanted to stay upright and make forward progress, and you didn’t want to fall to one side or the other. Balance is a beautiful thing. It’s troubling if […]

Bearing False Witness by Tony Cooke

Bearing False Witness Tony Cooke In the Bible, the first time the phrase “false witness” is used is in the Decalogue—the Ten Commandments. Exodus 20:16 says, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” The last time the phrase is used is in Paul’s epistle to the Romans (13:8-9): “Owe no one anything except […]

There’s an App for That by Tony Cooke

There’s an App for That Tony Cooke If you’re the least bit tech savvy, you’ve no doubt heard the phrase, “There’s an app for that.” In January 2011, the American Dialect Society named “app” the word of the year for 2010. An app is a software program that you use online or on mobile devices. […]

Eight Reasons Not to Make Your House Payment

Note from Tony: We wouldn’t think of using the following excuses to neglect making a house payment, yet these same kinds of excuses are used by individuals who neglect to tithe. Eight Reasons Not to Make Your House Payment A Parable by David Sumner 1. The only time I ever hear from the bank is […]

Seven Unders that Will Put You Over by Tony Cooke

Seven Unders That Will Put You Over by Rev. Tony Cooke Introduction People are continually looking for that special something that will give them an edge in life. They are looking for an advantage, something that will raise them to a higher level of living. People don’t want to be “under the weather,” “under pressure,” […]

The Four-Wheel Drive Christian by Tony Cooke

The Four-Wheel Drive Christian by Rev. Tony Cooke Having lived in Oklahoma since 1979, we never saw much need for four-wheel drive.  However, living in Colorado this past winter presented a whole new perspective.  There were several times when we would be driving tentatively (and prayerfully) in heavy snow, and we would be passed by […]

Which Translation(s)?

I wonder which translation pastors preach from the most? Study? If you use one predominant version in preaching, which other translations do you most often refer to in order to provide other shades of meaning? What is it that you like about the translation(s) you use the most, and why do you consider it to be the most effective for you?

Weekly Routine

I’m trying to get a handle on my schedule and bring some order into my world. Do other pastors have some kind of routine in their schedule? Do they do certain tasks (sermon preparation, time with staff and leaders, prayer, counseling, administrative tasks, time-off, etc.) in designated blocks of time on specified days, or do they do their tasks randomly, whenever they can?


What do other churches do to inspire people to become volunteers, to recruit them, to train them, and to appreciate them?

Time Off

I tend to stay overly engrossed in my work as a pastor, and I’ve not been very good at taking time off. When I have taken a break or a vacation, I tend to not let go of the church or the cares of the ministry mentally. I’m wondering what other pastors do to relax? How do they do with hobbies, days off, vacations, and sabbaticals. I’d love to learn from pastors who’ve done better with these things than I have.