Recent Articles
- What About That “Hard-to-Understand” Scripture? August 28, 2024
- The Snare of Success August 20, 2024
- God’s Amazing Plan for Non-Preachers August 19, 2024
- A Question of Authority August 17, 2024
- Living in the Right Time Zone August 7, 2024
Can God Use a Ten-Minute, Poorly Delivered Sermon?
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeThe thirteen-year-old boy’s father was a pastor, as was his grandfather. He had been around gospel truth all his life, and yet something still hadn’t “clicked” for him. He was under conviction of sin and was yearning for peace and right relationship with God. His hunger was such that he set out by foot on a Sunday morning with the intention of attending a particular church.… read more
D. L. Moody’s Conversion and Rough Start
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeWhen D. L. Moody was just four years old, his father died and left the family — his widow and nine children — under great financial pressure. Creditors took all their possessions, even their firewood. He experienced massive challenges growing up, only finished the fifth grade, and left home at the age of seventeen. … read more
Visit to D. L. Moody Museum
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeLisa and I recently had a long layover in Chicago yesterday, so we made a visit to the D. L. Moody Museum at Moody Bible Institute. Moody has been a hero of mine for some time.… read more
Paul and Barnabas on Cyprus
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeIn August of 2023, Lisa and I had the privilege of visiting Cyprus for a few days. While there, we did some exploring… visiting the places where Paul and Barnabas first stepped on to and off the island on the first leg of their first missionary journey. … read more
Instrumento ou Expressão?
/in Articles in Portuguese /by Tony CookeMuitos anos atrás, um ministro recebeu uma nota impactante após um culto. A pessoa escreveu: “Para mim não foi a verdade que você ensinou, para você tão clara e para mim tão obscura. Mas quando você veio, você trouxe um sendo dEle.”… read more
The Actions and Personality of the Holy Spirit
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeA list of 80 Actions and the Personality of the Holy Spirit … read more
Brother Hagin’s Reading Habits
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeOn January 18, 2000, I did an interview with Brother Hagin about his reading habits. I was recently thrilled to come across a transcript of that interview in which he shared some remarkable insights. Refreshing myself on the details of this conversation was an absolute delight. Below is a summary of some of the excerpts from that interview.… read more
“In Christ” and a Conversation with Brother Hagin
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeMore than three decades ago, I was bothered that certain “theologians” were attacking Brother Hagin about a particular teaching. They were claiming that he had received his ideas from a certain minister who had gotten the information from a metaphysical cult leader. … read more
God loves Small-Town Churches
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeOf course, God loves churches wherever they are located, but these past two weekends I’ve had the privilege of ministering in churches in two small towns. … read more
The Best Bible Translation? Insights on the Greek Manuscripts: An Interview with Keith Trump
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeYou will benefit greatly from the interview I just did with Keith Trump regarding English translations of the Bible and the Greek manuscripts from which the New Testament has been translated. … read more
Music and Evangelism
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeI recently completed a chapter entitled “Christ in the Hymns” for my upcoming book, Magnificent Jesus. I was deeply touched with how the Holy Spirit has impressed different songwriters, through the centuries, with profound revelation regarding the majesty and grandeur of Jesus.
… read more
Instrument or Expression?
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeWith the Spring weather, I’ve recently been able to do some yard work. I’ve had certain tools that I’ve been using, such as a rake, a shovel, and some pruners. All of these are helpful as functional instruments, but they don’t reflect me—my character—in any way. How often have Christians prayed, “Lord, use me. Make me your instrument, etc.” … read more
When Jesus Brings a Sword
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeSo why is Jesus saying in Matthew 10:34 that he did not come to bring peace, but rather, a sword. It must be understood that Jesus here is speaking in a different sense—a paradoxical sense. Certainly, he gives peace to everyone who receives him. However, because some reject him, he becomes an occasion of division when some accept him and others do not, when some follow him, and others do not, when some obey him, and others do not. … read more
Holding Fast to What We Have Attained
/in Articles by Lisa Cooke /by Lisa CookeThe things we are supposed to forget are our failures throughout our Christian experience, but what we are to remember is how the Lord has worked in each and every situation we have experienced. We are to remember His faithfulness.… read more
Have We Forgotten Hell?
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeI’m all for “positive preaching.” I believe people need to be lifted up and encouraged as they walk through a world that is constantly beating them up and dragging them down. But does preaching a positive, encouraging message mean that we never bring up anything that could be considered “negative?” … read more
Brother Hagin’s Injury and Prophetic Insights
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeIn his classic work, I Believe in Visions, Brother Hagin shares several outstanding experiences he had with the Lord. One of these took place in El Paso, Texas. Brother Hagin describes how the Lord visited him in the hospital following an accident that took place during a church service. … read more
Did God Send the Earthquake in Turkey?
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeOnce again, the planet is reeling from another tragedy. In an instant, untold thousands of souls were swept into eternity. For those living in the midst of this calamity, it no doubt seems apocalyptic in scope. In addition to the loss of life, the material and economic destruction people have experienced is staggering..… read more
A Healing Hymn from the Reformation
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeUlrich Zwingli was a key leader in the Protestant Reformation. He led the Swiss Reformation from Zurich while Martin Luther spearheaded the effort in Germany. Though not as famous as Luther, Zwingli nevertheless played a major role in the blossoming movement.… read more
Do You Have to Like the People You Work With? – Part 2
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeLast week, I introduced this topic by sharing how a pastor-friend, Dennis Cummins was rescued after a serious accident by a number of first responders. Their coordinated effort was not based on common personalities (that may or may not have existed), but on a common purpose.… read more
Nunca Foi Fácil
/in Articles in Portuguese /by Tony CookeMoody sabia do que estava falando. Em 8 de outubro de 1871, enquanto ele estava pregando naquele domingo, o Grande Incêndio de Chicago teve início. Além de sua igreja e sua casa terem sido consumidas pelo fogo, 100.000 pessoas ficaram sem abrigo, e aproximadamente 17.000 estruturas foram destruídas. Estima-se que 300 pessoas morreram. … read more
Do You Have to Like the People You Work With? – Part 1
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeGranted, it’s great when you enjoy the people you work with, but what if one (or some) of their personalities rub you the wrong way? Can you work effectively with people if maybe they aren’t the people you would choose to be your friends in a social setting? I recently heard Pastor Dennis Cummins share a testimony that brought great insight regarding this issue.… read more
What’s God Saying About the Church? – by Marvin Yoder
/in Articles by Others /by Marvin YoderAs a kid attending a very traditional church, I didn’t see the importance of church. Much of the church life I saw was a social event for people to visit. For me, going to church meant that after the service I get to play ball with my friends.… read more
Reaching out with Heaven – by Terry Roberts
/in Articles by Others /by Terry RobertsHeaven has not had an appeal to many people simply because it seemed so “other worldly.” As I child I somehow picked up the idea that heaven would be everyone in a big room in choir robes singing songs. What a bore! Who wants to spend eternity in a never – ending church service?.… read more
It Was Never Easy
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeMoody knew what he was talking about. While Moody was preaching on Sunday evening, October 8, 1871, the Great Chicago Fire began. In addition to Moody’s church and home being consumed, 100,000 were left homeless and approximately 17,000 structures were destroyed. An estimated 300 people died.… read more
Remembering Maria Woodworth-Etter
/in Articles by Tony Cooke /by Tony CookeLisa and I arrived in Indianapolis yesterday to visit family in the area. As we came into town, Lisa and I drove to a cemetery on the east side of Indianapolis to visit the grave of Maria Woodworth-Etter, a noted evangelist who lived from 1844-1924. … read more