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The Church We Are Becoming by Ed Russo

The church we are becoming is one where both the churched and the un-churched feel welcome when they drive onto our campus, come through our doors, and leave feeling refreshed, encouraged and empowered. We are becoming a church where hurting and broken people are brought to a sense of wholeness and restoration through unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness. We’re becoming a people so compassionate that others are drawn from difficult situations into our environment of renewed hope. The church we are becoming is much like a family: one house with many rooms … read more

All Sizzle and No Steak

As a young assistant pastor, I was assisting in various areas of the church, including helping with the coordination of our thirty-eight cell groups. My pastor was on Dr. Cho’s church growth board, and was also in the process of obtaining a doctor of ministry degree in church growth from Fuller Theological Seminar; his concentration was on cell groups. At that time, my pastor asked me to attend a church growth conference sponsored by another church, and one of the workshops I attended was called “Taking Your City Block by Block.”…read more

Inventories and Testing

I hear other pastors talk about giving “personality profiles” and “gift mix tests” to help determine the temperaments and the giftings of their people. I’ve also heard of these being used in providing spiritual guidance, especially in terms of helping people prepare for marriage. Has this truly been helpful to churches and the people taking these kind of inventories? If so, how? Can you tell me some of the better tests and inventory tools that are available for use in the local church?

Straight Talk to Leaders: by Sam Smucker

Sam Smucker has pioneered and served as lead pastor of Worship Center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for almost 40 years. He is a graduate of Rhema Bible College in Tulsa, Oklahoma and attended Pittsburgh School of the Bible. Sam and his wife, Sherlyn, travel extensively internationally, as well as nationally, to teach and train pastors, leaders, and missionaries. Their heart’s desire is to see leaders rise up and lead their people in the strength and power of the Holy Spirit. …read more

Emerging Heroes

Early last month, I read an interesting story involving Navy’s fourth-string quarterback. He didn’t dress for the game, but was in the bleachers watching his team play when he saw one of the managers running up the stairs of the bleachers in his direction. The regular quarterback had been injured during the game, and the third-string quarterback was out with an injury as well. …read more

A Bible School in the Church?

I’ve been contemplating offering our church people something more in-depth teaching-wise than what they can receive in regular services or periodic small group settings. I know that some churches offer a lay-Bible school, and some even offer certain college or university classes. What are the pros and cons of some of these types of approaches? What has worked well and what seems to be most effective in providing interested church members with more in-depth teaching and training?

Pray for America!

When Benjamin Franklin addressed the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, he said: “I have lived, Sir, a long time and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth—that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings… Read this article by Tony Cooke

A Culture of Constant Improvement

One of the congregations I want to focus on in this letter is the church at Thyatira. Most who have a cursory knowledge of these locations will immediately identify the church in Thyatira with Jezebel, an individual who grievously taught a doctrine of compromise. This corrupt teaching facilitated immorality and idolatry among the believers in Thyatira—something Jesus hated. …read more

Do You Need A Youth Pastor? by Dennis Steeger

There are only two correct answers to this question, yes and eventually. If your ministry does not currently employ a youth pastor then the answer is yes. If you desire to position your church to grow and if you want your church to last more than one generation then having a youth pastor is not an option it is a necessity. … read more

The Spirit Empowered Life by Beth Jones

Andi explained to me what being “filled with the Spirit” was all about, but because I had been taught to stay away from “those people” and from “speaking in tongues,” I had to unlearn some things in order to actually learn new things. I was thirsty for all the Lord had for me and I really wanted to learn the truth, so I read all the books I could find on the subject of being filled with the Spirit and speaking in tongues. To be honest, the authors each had different opinions and all of the reading confused me! I decided to set all of the books aside, and I picked up my Bible and prayed, “Father, I am not a Bible scholar, but you know my heart, and I desire the truth. I want everything You want for me, and I don’t want anything You don’t want for me. As I read the Bible, please show me the truth. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.” I began to read the Books of Acts and 1 Corinthians and other books in the Bible that contained passages about the Holy Spirit … read more

Social Media and Church Leaders

As a pastor, I preach on various moral, ethical, and social issues from a biblical standpoint. However, I avoid expressing personal opinions when it comes to partisan political issues (candidates, parties, etc.). I have a staff member who has become very outspoken politically (and in my opinion, very divisive) in a partisan way on social media. I’ve also had some high-level, visible volunteer leaders who have posted some pictures on social media that I felt were bordering on inappropriate and distasteful. I want those in leadership to set a high standard of godly behavior and avoid even the appearance of evil. How much prerogative does a pastor have to address these issues to staff and to high-level volunteers? Do any churches have written statements they use to communicate such guidelines?

The Weapons of Our Warfare: by Keith Trump

God has armed believers with powerful ὅπλον (hoplon) “weapons.” Greeks applied this word as a title for heroic citizen-soldiers armed with long spears and shields. The Captain of the Lord’s Hosts has called believers, as citizens of heaven, into active military service. These weapons are not associated with the fallen, earthly real (σαρκικός (sarkikos), but “mighty” through God. Worldly leaders, at every level, seek to raise higher by means of pulling others down. Soldiers of the cross seek to lift others higher even at their own expense. … read more

Are People Trash?

The denigration of people is nothing new. Paul experienced mistreatment by others, and spoke clearly about how it made him feel. “We bless those who curse us. We are patient with those who abuse us. We appeal gently when evil things are said about us. Yet we are treated like the world’s garbage, like everybody’s trash—right up to the present moment” (1 Cor 4:12-13, NLT). …read more

Current Tensions in the United States

It seems that the whole nation has been riveted on news relative to racial tensions, allegations of systemic discrimination against minorities, the targeting of police in deadly attacks, etc. What can a pastor say, and what can churches do to be a part of the solution, to be salt and light? How can a pastor help people to have godly attitudes and perspectives and to be true representatives of Christ during troubled times?

I is for Identity Theft by Judi Tillett

Young children belong to God. At their conception in the womb they belong to Him. They are to be taught that truth and to grow up as His “offspring” into all the covenant passion and purpose of God. So the demonic thief’s first point of attack is to steal their identification. He who was Lucifer is first and foremost an identity thief. He was ejected from heaven as he thought to steal the identity of the One True and Only God. He pressed Jesus for His identity, and he presses against and pursues the identity of God’s people and especially His children today … read more

If Superheroes Could Preach by Jim Herring

Summer is here and it is the time for blockbuster movies. Every summer there are always a few superhero movies: Superman, Batman, Superman vs. Batman, Captain America, Iron man, Captain America vs. Iron man, Wonder Woman, Spiderman, and the X-men. Most of the time these movies do very well at the box office. Why? Because we are intrigued with superheroes. Why are we attracted to and fascinated by these heroes? … read more

Thoughts on Addiction and Recovery by Virgil Stokes

Funny how thoughts come back to you. I remember sitting at a bar back in 1975. I was having a boozy conversation with another inebriate. For some reason, I remember proudly declaring, “I’m an alcoholic!” then laughing uproariously while ordering another drink. I was a drunk and I knew it, but it was four more years before I did anything useful about the problem. In the meantime, I lost my job, ruined any number of relationships, and deteriorated physically … read more

God’s Claim and Call on Our Lives

Mankind seems hell-bent on rebelling against God and His authority. Psalm 2:2-3 (NLT) paints a vivid picture of man’s insurgent and seditious attitude toward God’s rule: “The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against the LORD and against his anointed one. ‘Let us break their chains,’ they cry, ‘and free ourselves from slavery to God.’” … read more 

Standards for Those Who Serve

It seems harder and harder to find “qualified” people (according to the standards in 1 Timothy and Titus) to serve in leadership and helps positions in the church. Do pastors ever modify their standards in order to get people involved serving, even in entry-level types of positions? What kinds of character and lifestyle standards do other pastors and churches communicate for those who are going to be involved in serving?

What is the 10/40 Window? by Scott Behrman

What would it be like if you lived in a country, a city or a village that had no Christians?  No Bible study? Not one single church? Not a single Christian witness? Sue and I are focusing on church planting movements with “unreached people groups.” If the command given by Jesus is to make disciples of all nations (or ethnic groups), then common sense would tell us our job is to find those nations (ethnic groups) that have not been discipled (taught to be followers of Christ). … read more

Church Culture or Kingdom Culture? by Rodney Lloyd

Sunday is not Game Day – everyday is Game Day!!! When we make “Sunday church” and “having church” the focus, it is backward. Sunday is important, but not most important. When we have a build up to Sunday, making our greatest efforts all week to having a “good service”, without trying to, we feed the idea that Christianity is about Sunday. But doing this is treating Sunday as the last day of the week; but Sunday is the first day of the week! Sunday is “impact and launch” day. … read more

The Purpose of Pentecost

If a Spirit-filled believer can only quote one verse from that wonderful chapter, it is probably verse four, which reads: “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” As wonderful as that passage is, is what is described in that verse really the main purpose of Pentecost? We could also ask, “Was their speaking in tongues—in this particular situation—an end in itself, or was it a means to an end? …read more

Staffing Questions

When is it best to add to your staff by promoting from within, and when is it best to go outside and bring someone in? If I do need to hire from without, what are the best channels and avenues through which to seek a qualified staff member? Finally, in bringing someone in from the outside, how do you help that new staff member learn and adapt to the culture of the church?

When God Puts You on Hold by Marvin Yoder

I’m sure many of you have had the experience of making a phone call and then being put on hold for a while. You wait and wait until eventually even the nice music doesn’t seem to be soothing anymore. You wonder what is going on. You resist getting frustrated. Can anyone relate? Have you ever been excited about what is in your heart, but at the same time felt boxed in, trapped, on hold, or on a plateau in life? Welcome to the crowd! … read more