
Holding Fast to What We Have Attained

The things we are supposed to forget are our failures throughout our Christian experience, but what we are to remember is how the Lord has worked in each and every situation we have experienced. We are to remember His faithfulness.… read more

Have We Forgotten Hell?

I’m all for “positive preaching.” I believe people need to be lifted up and encouraged as they walk through a world that is constantly beating them up and dragging them down. But does preaching a positive, encouraging message mean that we never bring up anything that could be considered “negative?” … read more

Why We Believe in the Trinity

In the fourth century, church leaders articulated their beliefs in a document known as the Nicene Creed. After writing of the Father and the Son, they state, “We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.”… read more

Reverencing Christ in His Deity

With the Christmas season approaching, this would be a great time to do some teaching about the nature of who Jesus really is. Below are several points about the Deity of Christ that may be of help as you develop messages.… read more

How Important is the Virgin Birth?

The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ are central to God redeeming us back to himself, but those epic events were preceded by the virgin birth and the Incarnation.… read more

When Worldviews Collide

When I attended my first few years of university in Indiana, my faith was not shaken when some professors made certain denigrating statements toward the Bible as God’s word, but I was concerned about other impressionable students who may have been weak or shallow in their faith.… read more