Feedback from Indulgences Article
Feedback on Indulgences Article
Several people responded to the article about Indulgences. Here’s what they said:
“What a blessing to read your newsletter! I had been wrestling with some information I had received concerning issues that you spoke about in your letter. We are seeing many strange things in regard to asking for money. I am so thankful that you are addressing these things although I know it is not popular with many fundraisers. I want to be a seeker of the truth. Thank you for reassuring me of what I believed in my heart …that salvation and healing are not for sale.”
– A Believer
“Thank you for having the guts to address this subject and to put it into proper perspective. It is so very easy for ministers to get caught up in manipulating people to give in order to sustain their vision. We are facing some financial hurdles ourselves, and with all the current hype regarding giving, I even found myself thinking of ways to implement these things. I learned a truth, if you are really trusting God as your source, you won’t pressure or manipulate people to give. Just present the opportunity.”
– A Pastor
“I just read your newsletter yesterday and I was so thrilled to hear your perspective on the “use of relics” as it were. I realize that it takes money to run a ministry (as a small church pastor that is always in front of me) but a lot of times it comes across that people are pulled upon so heavily, and then their support of the local church diminishes. Again thank you for letting me know that I’m not clear off in left field for feeling this way.”
– A Pastor
“You did a great job in pointing out some of the ridiculous stuff that is taking place today while explaining the need to teach sound biblical principles of giving. You might want to add that pastors and ministers that have pure and right hearts and are in genuine relationships with their people need to continually speak to their people about the right way to give. The sheep really do hear their voice and pick up on their hearts. My observation is that there are a lot of preachers that quite honestly I wish would hush, and there are thousands more that need to speak up!”
– A Pastor
“The article on “indulgences” brings a very balanced approach to the subject. It’s too bad that folks who become desperate financially, often through poor stewardship, are duped into these kinds of schemes hoping for their miracle.”
– A Pastor
“I loved your article on ‘Indulgences.’ I made up my mind a good while ago I was done listening to people with such thinking. When a person gets free in Jesus and moves with the ‘right’ stuff, amazingly, God just blesses. There are many honest hearts out there who desire such truth.”
– A Pastor
“This is an excellent and necessary article. I have also seen a few local pastors get the idea that this is how they should operate as well, by gimmicks, etc. It is embarrassing how gullible Christians are, who are supposed to have the Spirit of truth in them! This a balanced treatment of this subject, yet it has some teeth to it and then gives ample scriptural instruction.”
– A Pastor
“I think you are right on track. I believe that many who do this are not evil or necessarily motivated by greed, but sometimes are just victims of extreme and theologically warped teachings. It would also be good to hear examples of how one could communicate that God will respond to obedient giving by prospering, healing, blessing etc… without crossing the line. This would sharpen our focus, and help us to navigate an admittedly difficult channel.”
– A Pastor