
We’ve Got Work to do!

I often question how accurate certain surveys are, but if the responses cited below even closely reflect reality, it is a reminder that we have a lot to do to make sure that those who hear us have a strong doctrinal foundation…… read more

Facing Change

Are you ready for change? Some are afraid that things will change. Others may be afraid that things won’t change, or at least, that they won’t change in the way they want them to.… read more

Seven Ways Joseph Foreshadowed Jesus

There are many things of which we may easily make too much in our ministry, give them too much attention, think about them too much. But we can never make too much of Christ. … read more

More Than a Definition

Imagine that it is blazing hot and you are extremely thirsty — parched. Would it help if someone came up and communicated the following? … read more

Christ’s Deity: The “Theos” Factor

“No one was sorry when he died.” Theos is the Greek word for God. It is where we get our word “Theology.” Though it typically is used regarding God the Father, it is also used at times of the Lord Jesus. Let’s look at some of these New Testament instances.… read more

When Jesus Brings a Sword

So why is Jesus saying in Matthew 10:34 that he did not come to bring peace, but rather, a sword. It must be understood that Jesus here is speaking in a different sense—a paradoxical sense. Certainly, he gives peace to everyone who receives him. However, because some reject him, he becomes an occasion of division when some accept him and others do not, when some follow him, and others do not, when some obey him, and others do not. … read more