
Facing Change

Are you ready for change? Some are afraid that things will change. Others may be afraid that things won’t change, or at least, that they won’t change in the way they want them to.… read more

Do You Know What Time It Is? by Mark Cowart

In 2015, Forbes reported that the 500 richest people in the world were collectively worth 4.7 trillion dollars. Solomon’s gold reserves alone were worth right at one trillion dollars. I read once that the temple Solomon built would cost one-half trillion dollars to reconstruct in our day. He had wisdom that would take your breath away, and the Biblical principles that he wrote are more quoted than any other source in history. Solomon had more wealth, blessing, and advantage than any human being prior to him or after, but he had a bad ending in his life. … read more

The Church We Are Becoming by Ed Russo

The church we are becoming is one where both the churched and the un-churched feel welcome when they drive onto our campus, come through our doors, and leave feeling refreshed, encouraged and empowered. We are becoming a church where hurting and broken people are brought to a sense of wholeness and restoration through unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness. We’re becoming a people so compassionate that others are drawn from difficult situations into our environment of renewed hope. The church we are becoming is much like a family: one house with many rooms … read more

Dealing With Change By Pastor Bob Yandian

God does not change—man does. Not only is change a part of everyone’s life, it is a necessary part. God never allowed any believer in the Bible to remain in one place for long. He kept each one moving for a great spiritual reason. After Elijah declared there would be no rain, God told him to move from the presence of King Ahab to the brook Cherith where he would be fed by ravens. When the brook dried up, he was told by God to go to Zerephath to be fed by a widow. … read more

Evolution of Ministry

How are you doing ministry different than you were ten years ago? How has your style and structure changed with time? How do you see your ministry changing in the next ten years? Do you have a succession plan in place, and if so, what is it?