The List…Are You On It?
The List…Are You On It?
By H.B. London
A few weeks ago, I read the results of a survey taken to determine the 50 most influential churches in the United States. I kind of smiled to myself as I looked at the list.
All of the churches had multi-million dollar budgets, huge staffs, a mega profile and charismatic leadership. It appeared to me that these leaders (because they pictured the pastors, not the church) could most likely succeed in any endeavor. They are certainly “grace-gifted.” Great leaders! Then I thought about the next “rung” of churches. What separates no. 51 from no. 50? And then I thought about most of you. What separates you from no. 50? Is it reach or size or who speaks at the most conferences? Is it a personality or a last name? What? I mean, if you came out no. 69 on the list, does that make you any less influential than no. 47? Would you think, “Maybe I should be in the top 50”? What if you were no. 152,687 on the list?
I read today from the 15th chapter of John, where Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me he can do nothing” (v.5). Now to me that is influence: A leader of a congregation who has an intimate relationship with the God who called him or her. It really doesn’t matter how big you are if “closeness” is missing. If self becomes “flesh” and the work of the church can be measured simply by the visible, then there is a problem. The words of Moses: “You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.’ But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth” (Deut. 8:17,18). The most influential pastors and churches I know operate with a “hands-down” faith and mindset. “It all belongs to You, Lord,” they say, and “Thank you for the privilege of serving You in whatever capacity.”
I really don’t like lists because there are so many variables, but I sure do appreciate you. Thank you for all you do. If I had a list, you would be on it as one who, with clean hands and a pure heart, walked humbly with your God. I wonder … who was no. 51 on the list anyway? Oh well, what difference does it make?
This article is reprinted by permission from the July 21, 2006 edition of “The Pastors’ Weekly Briefing.” PWB is a weekly e-mail newsletter from Focus on the Family. To learn more about Focus on the Family’s outreach to pastors or to sign up to receive their helpful newsletter, please visit